Firsts - 2024

Firsts are best because they are beginnings.

~ Jenny Han, from To All the Boys I've Loved Before

A couple of years ago I read that we should pay attention to the first bird we see in the new year as that would be a symbol of the year to come. I suppose, in those years of pandemic and grief, I was looking for "signs" and played along.

The first year I observed the neighborhood Red-tailed Hawk (now gone).

The second year (last year) I saw American Crows in the Industrial Park as I headed to the ponds.

This morning I loaded up Z-girl and again headed to the ponds.* Keeping my eyes on the road, I didn't even make it out of the neighborhood before I saw what I feared I would see - a vulture.** It was indeed a Black Vulture*** gliding just over the treetops. <SIGH>

Well, that was done.

One of my better Black Vulture photos. They are a little creepy.

An example of those wing-tips

I kept going anyway. I like starting the year with a quiet "bird crawl" and was almost guaranteed a peaceful one. The wind was brisk - making the low 40s feel much colder (so who is going to be out) and this rural road is quiet most of the time anyway.

I exited the highway and immediately observed a Red-shouldered Hawk perched on a light pole. Great. A favorite bird...only it was the second bird. 

Third? Glad you asked. It was another favorite - the Northern Mockingbird.

Continuing down the road I snapped a few photos and then saw a vehicle approaching. It turned out to be a good friend and fellow birder who has included me in some wonderful local birding adventures. We chatted for a bit about his next trip (and my last) and the results of the local CBC. And he related that his "first bird" was also a Black Vulture. Laughter ensued.

Then he shared what birds he'd seen so far and where they might be seen before heading away.

As I finished the crawl I realized my friend was the first person I had seen and talked to this morning. Maybe, I thought, we should count the "first birder" of the year. Maybe we should count the "first friend." ****

Well, if my "firsts" mean anything, my coming year will be a great one.

FIRST BIRD - Black Vulture - transformation, cleansing, adaptability, patience, loyalty, innovation, community, protection, death and rebirth, renewal, tolerance, protection.

I'll be working on/with it.

FIRST BIRDER AND FRIEND - a birder extraordinaire and good friend who is generous with his time and expertise and forever encouraging of others.***** An example of what it means to be a good human.


THE BIRD CRAWL - Here are the photos from the crawl - some better than others. Some illustrate how things go on a crawl - mostly birds with their backs to you. Birds don't always cooperate. I didn't identify any ducks in the photos, but did see Northern Pintails, Northern Shovelers, Green-winged Teal, and Gadwalls. I also saw some Ring-billed Gulls.

Accidental shot. Keeping the car to the edge of the road.

What I call the "far pond" was full of birds. It's often hard for me to see what is there. Here we see Canada Geese, a crow, and loads of ducks.

The pond/tank just inside the turn. Here is a big eagle.

This spot is often dry. Ducks in the back and a Greater Yellowlegs in the middle.

Red-shouldered Hawk (#2 darn it)

Northern Mockingbird (#3)

Great Blue Heron (and ducks - many ducks)

Wilson's Snipe (pending new name in 2024, I understand)

Canada Geese. There were a bunch. I heard (but did not see) them flying off, because I was focused on getting a decent shot of the eagle. I didn't. Bummer.

Bald Eagle.

Greater Yellowlegs - the light wasn't the best.

Another shot of the Yellowlegs

American Kestrel

My "first bird," the Black Vulture. It wasn't this one, but this guy posed.

Eastern Bluebird showing me its beautiful blue back (probably to insure I could identify it).

Happy birding! Happy New Year!


* I carefully avoided a first look at the garden, knowing I would likely see the flock of House Sparrows who make it home. The recent rains should have refreshed the ponds and, perhaps, brought in some interesting birds.

** I'd already joked with friends that I'd probably see a vulture first this year.

*** In former days I wouldn't know which vulture I'd seen, but I now recognize the glint of the sun off of the Black Vulture's wing tips reflects silver (while the entire edge of the Turkey Vulture's wings reflects back). I'm sure there is a scientific description, but this is how I think of it.

****The Irish say it is good luck for the first person in your front door to be a tall dark man. I've borrowed a neighbor in the past.

*****He recently sent me a cautionary message when I posted I was going to plant a Chinquapin Oak. He was worried about my wild back garden being "shaded out."


Okay. If you count "fake birds," this tiny plastic duck on a bathroom ledge is the first bird I saw today. It is part of a practical joke. I think it is #75. I've 25 more left to find.

