Seven Years of Frogs, Toads, Herons, Snakes and Questionable Water

Sunsets at this park are amazing.

Nights can never be real and enjoyable 

without the croaking of frogs 

and the chirping of crickets.

~ Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover 

It's my anniversary. Tonight I was reminded that I've been hunting amphibians (and more) in Texas and elsewhere for seven years - starting in September, 2016.

Here's my proof:

Copy of a Facebook post

Anyway, we made the monthly watch this past Saturday. We had hoped recent rains would activate the frogs and toads. Unfortunately Berry Springs had only gotten 1.5 inches. It was enough to leave two puddles on one path, but not enough to leave even a little mud in creek bed or bottom of the ponds. 

The temperature was in the 80s, but the humidity made it a bit oppressive. By the end of the evening I had sweated through my clothes, my glasses were fogged-up, and sweat was dripping in my eyes. 

I don't do heat well. 

No frogs or toads were calling.

We saw a herd of deer, a giant armadillo, and a nutria. [Zelda was thrilled and attempted to give chase in spite of the securely connected leash. Silly girl.]

And one of us (not me) spied the tiniest of Blanchard's Cricket Frogs on a path. We took photos and headed home - happy for at least one amphibian observation.

Part of a herd of White-tailed deer. 

Our intrepid leader walking along in the dry pond.

Zelda observing the puddles.

Blanchard's Cricket Frog

A different view of the cricket frog.

Feeling the love. It's a great park.

Final Note:

We have seen the park like this at least once before. We can only hope more rain will come and the springs flow again. 
