A New Nest and Lessons on Friendship

Oh, Maimie," he said rapturously, "do you know why I love you? 

It is because you are like a beautiful nest." 

~ J.M. Barrie, The Little White Bird; Or, Adventures in Kensington Gardens 

The Park:

Oh, we were so so late walking today. It was the weather. It was a the challenge a good night sleep can be. But we knew we needed a good long walk.

We saw the crows and then the Red-shouldered Hawk pair. "Surely it was time to see them working on the nest," I thought.

We distracted ourselves with Great Blue Herons and squirrels and then headed back towards the car. But the sight of  brown bird steadily flying down the creek carrying a twig half again its height stopped me cold. I watched as it flew past the old nest (from the last couple of years) and kept flying. 

Forgetting about my tired feet I turned I tracked the hawk. It stopped twice before landing at a location that surprised me. Since I am not a hawk, I have no idea why this was the selected tree. I'm always relieved when they pick a spot at the edges of the park - preferably across the creek or in a spot that people won't notice. This is a spot where people will definitely notice them. 

The nesting season will teach us all if it's a good choice.

Turning back for the parking area, we ran into a fellow walker. We talked about the caves along the creek as well as the creatures populating the park. My friend shared his childhood experiences - some with his father. We exchanged names and I held out my hand. He suggested an elbow bump instead. 

The Ponds:

I'm monitoring for frogs right now. The rains should have encouraged the Spotted Chorus Frog mating season. I've never SEEN one, but the call is unmistakable. I've heard them in a few spots along the 7 mile (relatively) undeveloped drive past ponds, fields, tanks, and quarries. But not today.

One of the Bald Eagles flew in as I was about to leave. I would have missed it, but I had delayed to get some shots of  a Great Blue Heron high in a tree. Then in came the big raptor - unmistakable with its white tail and distinctive flight.

It's so hard not to love the Wilson's Snipe. I keep expecting one to get it's insanely long beak stuck.

Great Egret stands sentinel.

Ring-necked Duck.

Great Blue Heron

See the Eagle high in the second tree from the right?

Not a good photo, but shows the eagle flew in calling.

There were other birds too - Pintails and snipes - cormorants and Great Egrets. I didn't hang around to gather too many photos before getting on with some of the errands of the morning. 


The park had another book along the walkway - Strictly No Elephants by Lisa Mantchwv. It's about friendship. "That's what friends do: lift each other over the cracks."

Yes, that is what friends do.
