First Turtle Rescue 2021 (Or Something Like It)

Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress,

no matter how slow.

I was thinking that it must be time for turtles to be wandering from pond to pond. It seems like I rescued 4 or 5 last year, but I've seen no turtles on the road the in the last couple of months (ice and snow - and general cooler than normal weather might have helped keep them in the ponds). 

And I've not been able to drive for a couple of weeks* and so I had not been to MY ponds. And today, when a friend canceled a meet-up for breakfast I had time, gas, and desire to check things out down that little road before a huge "bioblitz" begins at the end of the month.**

Because I got a late start I had to dodge a bit of traffic to get to the country roads. The wind was gusting. The morning sun was too bright. I was distracted. 

First the mockers showed up and then the kingbirds.

A Mockingbird singing early in the morning.

Western Kingbird #1

Western Kingbird #2 (These are the first ones I've seen this year.)

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (a different kind of kingbird)

And the turtles, taking advantage of the sun, were out in the ponds. 

Usually turtles in this spot bail on me as they are close to the road. This guy waited.

I headed down to the end of the road and returned the way I'd come when I spied a giant turtle at the edge of the road. I stopped to see if would cross. It turned around and around again - starting across the road. 

There it is - through the windshield.

What? He turned around?

At this point I thought I was done as he started to wander into the grassy roadside.

Then he turned around and was beating feet across the road! Okay! I watched the road to make sure no speeders were coming.

Dang! He turned around AGAIN!

Then it changed direction once again and walked under the car.


I waited...

Then I got out of the car and found the silly creature enjoying the warmth of the engine.

What was this guy doing under the car? It had to be the warmth of the engine.

I decided to try and move forward to be able to get the turtle out from under the car and back on its way.  Holding my breath I drove forward and then got out of the car. The turtle appeared to be waiting for my next move.

I scooted it into the grassy verge and decided that was all the "rescue" that I would be able to manage.

He's a Red-eared Slider. At this size he's an old fellow.

I dread driving back. I hope this old fellow manages to locate a happy spot.

Turtles in what I call the turtle pond. 

This is the largest number of turtles


* A little "booboo" on my foot has kept me out of the driver's seat until recently.

** The City Nature Challenge 2021 for iNaturalist is a big "bioblitz" (worldwide) and I am thinking about when and where I'll do some adventures in the wild.
