Thoughts on Parks and Accessibility

What makes park usage easier? Maps of the park and whole hike and bike trail (?) Accessibility of trails should be noted - materials, slope, width, distance etc.

The following post is just a way to start thinking about parks and outdoor recreation and how we can communicate and provide more information/activities to everyone.

Some signs/activities are funded by the county. Some seem to be funded by interested organizations. It appears there is grant money "out there."

Temporary signs  

Permanent laminated signs in a location where people are more likely than not to see some of these species. These are water birds. This park could also use a sign for resident smaller birds (Northern Cardinals, Eastern Bluebirds, Northern Mockingbirds etc.) as well as larger residents (Barred Owl, Red-shouldered Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, etc.) in different and protected locations as these signs do weather.

Species identification sign along walking trails. Note the size.

Native Mulberry species. Note the QR code! Also note these signs were a collaboration with the Native Plant Society of Texas
Non-native species noted.

Different "animal tracks" can be found on the paved trails throughout the park. I LOVE THIS!

These kinds of activities are provided near the playground.

It appears this was funded by another group.

I am in this park mostly at dusk-night (frog monitoring so I'm not looking at signage) so I rarely pay attention to the signs. Some surprised me. 

Other ways volunteers at BSP share photos and information about species is through iNaturalist ( -- free world-wide database for citizen scientists and others) that include all living things observed within the area of the park.  I can envision teaming up with science classes for water monitoring, a bioblitz (an organized event where people show up and take an inventory of living things over a specified period of time) as well as general ongoing observations of species. 

Texas Parks and Wildlife has a number of projects under "Texas Nature Trackers" recorded via iNaturalist which also taking place at BSP (including the Amphibian Watch in which I participate).

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