
Showing posts from January, 2021

My Sister Gave Me Bird Socks

I looked up and there it was among the green branches of the pitchpines-  thick bird,  a ruffle of fire trailing over the shoulders and down the back- color of copper, iron, bronze-                                                   lighting up the dark branches of the pine. What misery to be afraid of death. What wretchedness, to believe only in what can be proven. When I made a little sound                                                     it looked at me, then it looked past me. Then it rose, the wings enormous and opulent,                                  and, as I said, wreathed in fire. ~Mary Oliver, I LOOKED UP I was looking for sparrows when I turned the corner, looked up, and was surprised by the Red-shouldered Hawk glowing among the naked-branched trees between the road and the creek. Yes, it did look at me... ...and then away before it flew. Yes, I was wearing my lucky bird socks my sister just sent to me. It's good to have a sibling providing clean laundry as I've

Yes, the Answer is Always Yes

The Gift Be still, my soul, and steadfast. Earth and heaven both are still watching though time is draining from the clock and your walk, that was confident and quick, has become slow. So, be slow if you must, but let  the heart still play its true part Love still as once you loved, deeply and without patience. Let God and the world know you are grateful. That the gift has been given. ~ Mary Oliver, from Felicity Great Serpent Mound, Ohio Adventure 1-11-21  -  The Anniversary Forty years. Well, it's really forty-one if you don't insist on counting from the exchange of rings.  I lost mine* and now I have lost his, but ultimately I was right** - rings were not required. They said it would not last. But it did (does). February 28 - The Miracle of the Rings I ran out of steam that anniversary day. There must have been a "gotta" list*** or many calls. Whatever.  Yes, I lost his ring and the replacement I purchased. [You see, you have to be able to be able to remove your ri