Here, Hold My Coffee and Watch This!

The world steadily grows better 

because the human mind, 

applying itself to environment, 

makes it better... 

with hands... 

with tools... 

with horse sense 

and science 

and engineering. 

Robert A. Heinlein, The Door Into Summer

It was coffee until after the units were complete. I figured it was not an accident that my first order from the Haak Winery was delivered just before the COSTCO delivery.

Yeah, I needed to improve my environment. There is plenty of room here, but disordered (okay, "disorder" is my middle name, but I can organize...some). What's the point of a porch or garage if there is no sensible storage?

So after hitting the internet, it became clear that COSTCO had my solution. And in two short days after the order the solution was delivered in two boxes by UPS. Fortunately I saw the guy arrive and talked him into bringing them into the front hall (It's too cold to work in the garage. These things have wheels, I can move them once I put them together).

I read the directions. Then I watched the official YouTube video...and then 3 or 4 other videos. I figured I could do it, but decided to work on the larger of the two units (because if I can do the big one, the smaller one will be a snap). THEN I discovered there are two options for the larger unit. It was a good thing as wrestling the larger pieces made put this experiment almost beyond my limited construction abilities.

So, here are some photos and the results, but no videos. I put one together (in the two unit option) and then gave myself a day before putting the smaller unit together. I'm pretty pleased. 

The pets were no help. Bitty decided to stay underfoot. Zelda left her toys all over the place (I finally had to hide them). 

I'm going to get more of the shelves. The garage is ready for some order.

Small one

Large one

I paid attention to the warnings and removed the parts a few at a time.

The official video is good. In the others folks provide "suggested shortcuts." 

It was clear as I started to unpack that I was about to be challenged.

Two options - BRILLIANT!

Bitty Kitty was not helpful.

The shelving units were perfect for the porch. The plants and potting materials fit. These are not indoor/outdoor shelves, but I'm willing to chance it. What's a little rust?

The smaller unit has this bar and S-hooks for hanging tools and such. I forgot about it in my rush to finish. The S-hooks work hanging from the shelving. No harm-no foul.

The completed second/smaller unit. 

The only tools required for this little adventure were a wrench (provided in the kits) to tighten the wheels and a rubber mallet used to seat the shelves tightly. It just so happens that we had one and it worked like a charm.


I ordered three more for the garage. Costco was out of the smaller size. I found the same brand at another store and convinced UPS to deliver into the garage. These went together quickly since I knew the process. 

Organizing is never-ending.

Ready to roll into the garage. Boxes were for sizing the shelves.

