Running From the Cops

No amount of me trying to explain myself was doing any good.

I didn't even know what was going on inside of me,

so how could I have explained it to them?” 
― Sierra D. Waters, Debbie

We had just finished a long hike - 2.5 miles. I thought I'd stop by the huge cactus I'd noticed in the industrial park. I wanted to take photos on a day there would be good light and no one in the building to bother me (it wouldn't be trespassing as there are no signs out on that parking lot or building).  The industrial area is sometimes good for observing all kinds of creatures. Few people "cut through" the area so traffic is slow on the weekend. And the "industry" is of the clean and quiet kind.

I had slowed for some bird photos when I noticed what appeared to be a police car headed my way. Darn. Had I been stopped in the middle of the road? Was I practicing "safe naturalist behavior" or had I just put on the breaks? What do I do now? No lights behind me - turn on a signal and turn right, girlfriend.  See what's down that little side street.

"Seriously officer, I'm just taking photos of birds. I live about a mile from here."

I turned right (the officer continued on past me) and I pulled into a parking lot where I immediately noticed bees and a hummingbird moving from a Pride of Barbados plant to a Red Yucca (and back again). Wow! I thought I was going to get at least a warning and got a hummingbird instead! Serendipity!

Of course I'll be planting one of these!

Ruby-throated, maybe?

I do love a mockingbird.

We stopped at the cactus too, but the rain had knocked off most of the older blooms and there were buds not quite open. We will go back tomorrow.  It's nap-time now.

Proof that the traffic is slow on the weekend.

A small herd was lounging in a field as I drove by.

So, there you go...pandemic adventures.... I'll leave you with the best couple of shots from the park.

Upright Prairie Coneflower

Turk's Cap

Zizotes Milkweed

Devil's Claw

Nightshade - don't eat it.

Ghost bird -- Mississippi Kite
