
Showing posts from April, 2021

First Turtle Rescue 2021 (Or Something Like It)

Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. I was thinking that it must be time for turtles to be wandering from pond to pond. It seems like I rescued 4 or 5 last year, but I've seen no turtles on the road the in the last couple of months (ice and snow - and general cooler than normal weather might have helped keep them in the ponds).  And I've not been able to drive for a couple of weeks* and so I had not been to MY ponds. And today, when a friend canceled a meet-up for breakfast I had time, gas, and desire to check things out down that little road before a huge "bioblitz" begins at the end of the month.** Because I got a late start I had to dodge a bit of traffic to get to the country roads. The wind was gusting. The morning sun was too bright. I was distracted.  First the mockers showed up and then the kingbirds. A Mockingbird singing early in the morning. Western Kingbird #1 Western Kingbird #2 (These are the first ones I've see