
Showing posts from March, 2021

Adventures on My Day

As my late mother famously observed,  the one thing to be said for growing old  is that every year there are a few more things  I don’t have to give a rat’s ass about. ―  Lawrence Block* Ah, but I still care about adventures - even the small ones. They are everything. My friend and I decided to get to the park a little early and to start in an area where we thought we might find the Black-bellied Whistling Ducks. We have seen them each morning, but just in "fly-overs."  It was still fairly dark so we stayed in the more traveled part of the park - safer. No, it was not this dark, but this is how the camera wanted these limbs across the full-ish moon. It was this dark. [I do love this park, but I'm not a fan of walking in the dark.**] Then -- there they were.  They are striking birds. [I do love these ducks - goofy as they are!] Then you get close and you see the pink legs and bright beak, oh yes, and the odd mohawk.  They once were called Black-bellied Whistling Tree Ducks

Thoughts on Parks and Accessibility

What makes park usage easier? Maps of the park and whole hike and bike trail (?) Accessibility of trails should be noted - materials, slope, width, distance etc. The following post is just a way to start thinking about parks and outdoor recreation and how we can communicate and provide more information/activities to everyone. Some signs/activities are funded by the county. Some seem to be funded by interested organizations. It appears there is grant money "out there." Temporary signs   Permanent laminated signs in a location where people are more likely than not to see some of these species. These are water birds. This park could also use a sign for resident smaller birds (Northern Cardinals, Eastern Bluebirds, Northern Mockingbirds etc.) as well as larger residents (Barred Owl, Red-shouldered Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, etc.) in different and protected locations as these signs do weather. Species identification sign along walking trails. Note the size. Native Mulberry species. No

The Milk Jug

Our memory is a more perfect world than the universe: it gives back life to those who no longer exist. ~ Guy de Maupassant My mother had a small blue and white pitcher she treasured. It had belonged to her grandmother, Theresa. Mom said it was her "milk jug" when she was a child. It's a lovely little thing and I treasure it now. And when I came home today with a handful of bluebonnets I knew just the place for them . Great Grandmother Theresa's little pitcher with bluebonnets from across the street. We will leave this little memory piece right here - a handful of wildflowers in a blue and white jug.    

The Nest (More Adventures in Bad Birding)

Well I know the secret places,  And the nests in hedge and tree;  At what doors are friendly faces,  In what hearts are thoughts of me.   ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow This morning Zelda and I journeyed to the park (I started to type "the church") to see if the hawks were still busy with their nest.  We had driven downtown with MC on Sunday - to pick up our lunch.  As we drove across the bridge over Nolan Creek a hawk with a beak-full of nesting material flew over us. That holy experience called us to today's pilgrimage. I've been advised that one must take care when monitoring nesting sites. Besides laws against disturbing nesting birds, one can also disclose (unintentionally) locations to predators as well as the curious and disrespectful. Always respect the wildlife.* So, approach carefully, from different directions each time, and only every few days. Daily trips could be dangerous - even for raptors. We left the sidewalk and strolled over to the creek - well upstr