
Showing posts from May, 2023

Some Days You Get Lucky - Misadventure at Colorado Bend (Park #3)

  Principle Number 1 of the 7 Leave No Trace Principles  - Plan Ahead and Prepare* What's that expression I use all the time? "Do as I say, not as I do."  I often joke about it, but this day was no joke. I even TEACH the Leave No Trace Principles every time I teach a class. Somehow I messed up, got complacent, whatever.  Spoiler alert: This story has a happy ending and is a reminder of why we drill children (and adults) on safety. Apparently you can make a mistake and sometimes recover if you start making better choices. Here are a few of those rules: Plan ahead. Travel in pairs. Hydrate and bring more water than you think you will need (and drink regularly). Make sure someone knows where you are hiking. STAY TOGETHER. When you are lost (we were never lost) stop and let rescuers come to you. Here's the tale: A friend and I decided to start hiking in the state parks in our area. Some would be a repeat and others would be hiked for the first time. We were doing this in