
Showing posts from December, 2021

It's the Same Story [A Good Story and a True One]

Nature does not hurry,  yet everything is accomplished. ~ LaoTzu Christmas has been weird. Illnesses, travel issues, and the pandemic added to the normal holiday chaos of too many people with too much stress. It's just been hard. And then it got harder.  I was thrilled to get my invitation to the local Christmas Bird Count. Any time in the wild is therapeutic for me. I can feel my blood pressure ease. Even as it was a low count for me - I hope others did better.  But a few of the regulars birds can always be relied upon. One eagle or another is almost always at the ponds - there every time I visited for the last two weeks. So it seemed safe enough to invite the neighbors on a little adventure. We hope to see the eagles (hopefully) herons, egrets, mockingbirds, and ducks. I can pretty much count on that...although there weren't many ducks today.  Anyway, school starts back on Monday, no one will want to go on New Years (I'll be taking a FIRST DAY* hike of some kind). Tomorro