
Showing posts from November, 2021

Breakfast With My Brother

  A brother is a gift to the heart,  a friend to the spirit.  ~ Unknown I don't get to go on adventures - even short adventures - with my brother very often.* But in the run-up to Thanksgiving we found ourselves in the same town with a little spare time. We met for breakfast twice. Each time we talked for hours. Once we even changed tables to allow others to sit inside.  And twice he brought me gifts!  ["But did you bring anything?" I know this question is one you want to ask. Look - this is about him, not me. I have racked by brain and examined my conscience. I think I might have brought him seeds - loofah.] The first gift was a bag of dried currants and a container of caraway seeds for the making of Irish soda bread. We have both been making bread and he used a recipe with these ingredients - and found it good. [And it just so happened that a friend had brought me bread with the same ingredients - so different from the flavor of the bread I'd been making - and I was

We Are All Connected

Do stuff.  be clenched, curious.  Not waiting for inspiration's shove or society's kiss on your forehead.  Pay attention.  It's all about paying attention.  attention is vitality.  It connects you with others.  It makes you eager.  stay eager.  ~ Susan Sontag So much in my mail, my email, my texts, and other sources has been junk. Sometimes - especially after a little adventure - I'm so frustrated with the piles of junk - virtual and physical that I feel overwhelmed and pick up a book or turn on a mindless movie. I do have ACTUAL work demanding my attention, but the junk interferes with my focus.* But today -  voilĂ  ! - there was an email from someone from iNaturalist wishing to use a photo of mine.** This is how it will be in the article. Isn't it a fabulously weird creature? ] This is the second time I have had someone - a stranger - ask to use a photo to illustrate their work. The first time was a lovely fellow from England who asked to use a photo taken of the C

Don't Worry Mom. It's Not My Blood

If you are hurt Let me bandage  Your wound. ~ The Garden My life is graced by some amazing people - family, friends, neighbors, and sometimes perfect strangers. This week was full of them. And the week ended with visits from a couple of friends who wanted to visit the garden. One of them is a landscaper who, with her team, helped me create the garden - beginning in June 2020. The garden is a healing place. We wandered though, touched and smelled the flowers and foliage, talked about how to protect this plant and remove that one, planned where to move plants in the wrong spot, and commented on the bees, butterflies, and bugs. We breathed in the color and fragrance and movement. But I have gotten diverted. This post is about other things. My landscaper friend also explores old properties with a metal detector. She decided to go back to my old home because conditions where right for good returns. We had a text and photo exchange later in the day: TM: Here is what I found in your yard earl